Diverse Improvements in Security Levels
Nowadays, the topics of security and protection of user data – for example, the definition of secure passwords and their additional verification – are becoming increasingly important. This topic is also a high priority at Cargoclix and the team is continuously developing ways to optimize security.
The previous password security, which took place at the CargoMarket level without taking the user role into account, will in the future be replaced by different security levels at the user role level, including the possibility of two-factor authentication. The two-factor authentication can be done via Microsoft or the Google Authenticator App. Thanks to this development, different users can be subject to different login requirements within a configuration. For example, the booking company can access the system with the same password for a long time, while the site operator is asked to change his password every two months.
The function can be set up at any time with any configuration. The new requirements take effect immediately. The security levels are activated by Cargoclix on request per configuration and user role. When setting the password, the user is informed directly on the website about the requirements for choosing a secure password.
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