New Field Type ,,Drop-Down/Multiselect List’’
A new field type is now available in SLOT: the Drop-Down/Multiselect List. Now it is possible to restrict the choices of a field. The results are based on the previous selection. Good example: in a cascade of drop-down lists, it can be configured that after selecting “Germany” in the “Country” field, the next “City” field only displays cities in Germany as an option. Accordingly, when “France” is selected, only cities in the German neighboring country are shown as options. In addition, the options of the field and the dependencies between two such fields can be managed by the CargoMarket Admin. The new field allows to display possible dependencies between the values very easily in the booking.
The fields can be created by Cargoclix and then configured by the CargoMarket Admin. The CargoMarket Admin can make the setting by going to My Cargoclix > Timeslot > [Select CargoMarket] > “Predefined list items”. The name for the list is entered in the first field. In the following field you can choose whether the list should be dependent on another list or not. Then click on the plus button to create the list. A click on the “Add” link opens the mask in which you can configure the options of the list and their dependencies. After the options are configured, you can assign the created lists to the ramps. On each ramp, the field of the new type is added and then linked to the defined lists in the “Presets” tab.
*Cargoclix SLOT. Timeslot and Yard management
Cargoclix SLOT optimizes processes and personnel deployment at the ramp. It prevents waiting times and workload peaks at loading and unloading points. Our Timeslot management system provides also transparency for all pictured logistics processes. Therefore it is the best solution for industry, trade, logistics service providers and transport companies.
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