All posts by: websitedev

A Slot Management System for Frozen Pizza

in Company News, SLOT News

PrimAs Tiefkühlprodukte GmbH from Oberhofen in Tirol wants to reduce waiting times at the ramps and for this reason has introduced the time slot management system SLOT by Cargoclix. The cloud-based software supports the congestion-free handling of 20 trucks per day. Anyone who wants to book a time slot can do so with a seven-day […]


Dr. Schumacher Relies on SLOT in Malsfeld

in Company News, SLOT News

Dr. Schumacher GmbH, manufacturer of disinfectants and hygiene products, has introduced SLOT by Cargoclix at its headquarters in Malsfeld. The cloud-based software solution is now making its contribution to the fact that up to eight trucks a day can be dispatched jam-free in incoming and outgoing goods. The period for booking time windows in the […]


Richter+Frenzel Introduces SLOT Also in Reichertshofen

in Company News, SLOT News

The building services wholesaler Richter+Frenzel relies on the SLOT from Cargoclix at another location. In the future the cloud-based solution will ensure the congestion-free handling of about 25 trucks a day in the incoming goods department at the Reichertshofen location. Time window bookings are possible with a lead time of seven days until 1 pm […]


Cargoclix TENDER – The Tender Mangement System

in Animation
Cargoclix TENDER. Tendering of contracts in the field of transport and logistics. Cargoclix TENDER is a leading marketplace for conducting electronic tenders for contracts. Adapted to the needs of transport and logistics, TENDER is designed for all important transport modalities and logistic services. Many thousands of companies from industry, trade and logistics worldwide have registered [...]

Cargoclix SLOT

in Animation
Cargoclix SLOT. Timeslot and Yard management Cargoclix SLOT optimizes processes and personnel deployment at the ramp and prevents waiting times and workload peaks at loading and unloading points. Cargoclix can be operated either web-based or fully integrated into ERP and WMS systems. Cargoclix SLOT provides transparency for all pictured logistics processes – for industry, trade, [...]