World Premiere at LogiMAT 2022: Cargoclix Presents new SAFE CHECK-IN app

The new SAFE CHECK-IN app from Cargoclix enables direct, contactless communication between truck and location and overcomes language difficulties. (Photo: AdobeStock/Cargoclix)
- Application as an integral part of the cloud-based time slot management system SLOT enables automated and direct communication between logistics location and arriving truck.
- Messages to the truck driver are automatically translated into the driver’s native language.
(Freiburg i.Br., 25 May 2022) The software specialist Cargoclix, based in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, will announce more details about its trade fair world premiere for the first time at LogiMAT (Stuttgart, 31 May to 2 June 2022). In Hall 6 at Stand F60, the company will present its new SAFE CHECK-IN app for the first time, which, as an integral part of the proven time slot management system SLOT, establishes automated and direct digital communication between the logistics location and the driver of the arriving truck. It is also possible to use SLOT as a stand-alone solution.
The special feature: both automated and direct messages from the location to the driver are immediately and automatically translated into the driver’s native language. The process works the same way in reverse: if necessary, the user can write a message to the logistics location in his or her language and have it automatically translated into the language of the location operator. Direct contact between the employees of a location and the drivers is, thus, no longer absolutely necessary in the future.
“The corona pandemic also turned a lot of things upside down in logistics. Keeping a distance became the top priority,” says Professor Dr. Victor Meier, consulting partner at Cargoclix. “Based on the requirement to reduce contact, we have developed an application with our SAFE CHECK-IN that enables communication without media discontinuity between all persons involved in the delivery process, even without direct contact, and makes processes at the ramp much better thanks to digitalisation. Both shippers and forwarders thus benefit from process optimisation in the supply chain and at the same time take care of the health of their employees “, he explains. For every used SAFE CHECK-IN, a fee of 50 cents is charged. These costs are borne by the site operators.
In order to use SAFE CHECK-IN, a logistics location activates the system. The professional drivers can download the app via the known web stores or have it installed centrally by the employer. Alternatively, the app can be installed directly upon arrival at the site using a QR code. Once this has been done, the dispatcher enters the driver’s mobile number in the time slot booking. The booked time slot is automatically sent to the driver via push message and the digital connection is established. The tool also enables direct registration of the delivery from the truck upon arrival at the logistics location. Documents or photos of documents can also be exchanged digitally immediately.
In addition to the new application, Cargoclix will also be showing its two top products at its stand – the SLOT time slot management system and its TENDER logistics platform, which is one of the leading international tender platforms for transport and logistics contracts.
About Cargoclix
Cargoclix is a neutral Internet marketplace for the electronic tendering of transport and logistics services and a provider of modular time slot management systems.
The range of services offered by the logistics platform “Cargoclix TENDER” includes worldwide tenders for contracts for road, rail, air freight, sea and inland waterway transport, courier express parcel services and logistics services such as warehousing. With over 28,000 registered members from industry, trade and freight forwarding, TENDER is one of the leading international tender platforms for transport and logistics.
The central product of the time slot management business unit is the modularly adaptable software “Cargoclix SLOT” for optimising processes at the ramp. With more than 100,000 members, SLOT is one of the most widely used time slot management systems.
Cargoclix is a brand of Dr. Meier & Schmidt GmbH. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Freiburg i.Br.
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