Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung optimises ramps with SLOT from Cargoclix

The headquarters of Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung GmbH in Twistringen. The time slot management system SLOT from Cargoclix has been in use here for about three months. (Photo: Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung GmbH)
- The supplier of frozen vegetables and fruit was able to significantly reduce waiting times for truck drivers by introducing the cloud-based solution.
- Equalisation of deliveries and improved personnel planning
(Freiburg i.Br., 12 August 2021) The company Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung, an expert in the production of frozen vegetables and fruit, has introduced the time slot management system SLOT from Cargoclix at its headquarters in Twistringen, Lower Saxony. There, the cloud-based solution from the Freiburg-based system house now supports the daily congestion-free handling of truck loads as well as palletised and non-palletised containers. Since the introduction of the system a few weeks ago, around 1,200 bookings have already been made via the time slot management system. The first successes came quickly: “Whereas the waiting time for truck drivers at the ramp used to be up to three hours, Cargoclix SLOT has now enabled us to achieve precision landings,” reports Christian Stührmann, area manager of the frozen food warehouse.
Personnel planning for the unloading of containers is now also easier thanks to the work with the time slot management system. “Especially the rush hours on Monday mornings have been significantly equalised,” says Stührmann. In his opinion, further advantages are the clear display of the notified containers and trucks, the possibility to plan container personnel capacities in advance, and the adjustment of goods flows and volumes, distributed to the personnel capacity in shift operations.
Anyone wishing to book a time slot for the delivery or collection of non palletised containers from Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung can do so as early as 50 days in advance. Spontaneous bookings are possible until 4 pm the day before. The booking period for truck delivery starts with a lead time of 14 days and ends two hours before the desired date. Already 70 per cent of the customers have used the system in the past weeks, even though the company initially relies on voluntary use of the system. Nevertheless, there are clear rules: “Those who have booked a time slot are given priority, those who come without booking have to wait in line,” says Christian Stührmann. However, the intervals are currently still designed in such a way that unannounced deliveries can be processed in between, he adds.
The booking costs of 50 cents per time slot are borne by the companies that book the time slot – customers who store their goods at Gemüse Meyer book their own time slots and also pay for them. The situation is different in purchasing. Here, the company partly takes over the bookings itself and also pays for the costs. “We are currently thinking about using the system for outgoing goods as well,” Stührmann continues.
One of the reasons Gemüse Meyer gave for choosing Cargoclix SLOT as its time slot management system was that the system was already known to some extent by suppliers and forwarding agents. Other aspects were the intuitive usability, references from other customers and the fact that there were no upfront project costs for the introduction.
About Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung
Meyer Gemüsebearbeitung GmbH, or Gemüse Meyer for short, has been supplying the food industry with high-quality frozen vegetables and fruit for many years and also provides corresponding logistics solutions. The company’s services include the preparation and processing of vegetables, the production of vegetable mixes and the deep-freeze storage of third-party products. The company, headquartered in Twistringen/Lower Saxony, was founded in 1972, today employs about 230 people and offers about 85,000 pallet storage spaces. A further plant is located in Kozuchow/Poland.
About Cargoclix
Cargoclix is a neutral Internet marketplace for the electronic tendering of transports and logistics services as well as a provider of modular timeslot management systems.
The range of services offered by the logistics platform “Cargoclix TENDER” includes worldwide tenders for contracts for transports by road, rail, air freight, sea and inland waterway, courier express parcel services as well as logistics services such as warehousing. With over 28,000 registered members from industry, trade and freight forwarding, TENDER is one of the leading international tender platforms for transport and logistics.
The central product of the time slot management business unit is the modularly adaptable “Cargoclix SLOT” software for optimizing processes at the ramp. With more than 65,000 members, SLOT is one of the most widely used time slot management systems.
Cargoclix is a brand of Dr. Meier & Schmidt GmbH. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Freiburg i.Br.
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