All posts by: websitedev

Sandoz relies on Cargoclix TimeSlot

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

Since the beginning of May, the Austrian Sandoz GmbH has been using the Internet-based time slot management system Cargoclix “TimeSlot” for incoming goods.  With the system, resources at the ramp can be planned better and processes can be designed quickly and flexibly. Transport companies can book their desired delivery time via the Internet from 30 […]


Bosch Optimizes Spare Parts Logistics at Its Karlsruhe Site

in Success Stories

The automotive supplier Bosch has introduced a combined yard and timeslot management system from Cargoclix at its Karlsruhe location for logistically optimal delivery to its aftermarket customers. The bottom line is a significantly higher transparency and economy in the management of trailers, swap bodies and containers. Queues at the ramp. The topic is high on […]


Slovak Skanzat uses TimeSlot at the ramp

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

In May, the Slovakian metal specialist Skanzat spol. s.r.o. introduced Cargoclix’s web-based time slot management system “TimeSlot” to increase efficiency at the ramp. At the Želovce site, around 40 trucks are loaded and unloaded at the ramps every day. The delivering logistics service providers can book their desired date from 20 days in advance and […]


Czech Silon relies on ramp management from Cargoclix

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

The plastics producer Silon has been a customer of Cargoclix since April. The Czech company optimizes with the web-based time slot management system “TimeSlot” in Sezimovo Ústí. successfully completed its processes at the ramp. Around 40 trucks are loaded and unloaded at the ramps there every day. For this purpose, the delivering logistics service providers […]


Bauder plants introduce TimeSlot in Herten

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

The web-based time slot management system “TimeSlot” from Cargoclix was installed at the Herten plant of Paul Bauder GmbH & Co. KG was successfully introduced. Since the beginning of 2018, freight forwarders, suppliers and disposal companies have been booking time slots for each delivery at the nine ramps. The delivering logistics service providers can book […]


Motip Dupli shines with TimeSlot at the ramp

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

Since March, the 30 or so trucks no longer all arrive at the nine Motip Dupli ramps in Volvega at the same time, but are distributed evenly throughout the day. The coatings specialist successfully relies on the web-based time slot management system “TimeSlot” from Cargoclix. The delivering logistics service providers can book their desired date […]


Menarini Dresden chooses TimeSlot

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

Since February, the Italian pharmaceutical giant Menarini has been successfully using the web-based time slot management system “TimeSlot” from Cargoclix. At the Dresden location, the delivering and collecting logistics service providers book delivery time windows at two ramps before they deliver goods. Bookings can be made from 14 days in advance and up to the […]


Bike professionals rely on TimeSlot

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

Since the beginning of April, around 12 trucks have been booking a daily delivery window before delivering goods to H&S Bike-Discount. The bicycle shop has opted for the web-based time slot management system “TimeSlot” from Cargoclix to equalise the processes at the ramp in terms of time. The fee of only 50 cents per slot […]


E.M.P. fan articles now with TimeSlot to the point

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

E.M.P. Merchandising Handelsgesellschaft mbH has been a Cargoclix customer since mid-April. The company has introduced the Internet-based time slot management system Cargoclix “TimeSlot” at its headquarters in Lingen in order to make the delivery processes at the three incoming goods ramps faster and more flexible. Approximately 15 trucks arrive daily at the three ramps. Transport […]


Duvenbeck optimizes ramps with Cargoclix

in Company News, SLOT News, Uncategorized

In mid-April, Duvenbeck Logistics Europe GmbH introduced the web-based time slot system “TimeSlot” at the ramp in Bremen. The logistician maps the free loading and unloading dates for the respective ramps in TimeSlot and the carriers book their desired time between five days in advance and until 4 p.m. on the day before. The Duvenbeck […]
